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Rainier or Shine; Fall at The Mountain (Oct 2024)

When I first started exploring in the Tacoma, one of my buddies - Ben @m3bassman - mentioned nonchalantly that he had gotten out to camp at least once every calendar month of the year.

That sounded amazing to me, and so for six years I repeatedly failed at actually accomplishing the same feat. Sure, there were some months where I'd get out two or three times, my annual average higher than the one-per-month I was after, but no matter how hard I tried, it seemed like I'd miss a month here or there for some lame reason.

Finally - with a little creative categorizing of a trip that spanned the end/beginning of a month - I succeeded in 2022. And then - to my amazement - I did it again in 2023! Being ultra-competitive with myself, that left me in a bit of a pickle. Would I be able to carry on at all - with any respect for myself - if I didn't carry on this tradition?

For the most part, trips seemed to just "work out" as 2024 ticked by. It seemed like the tradition would continue - as would my self-respect - without any real contortions to my schedule. That is, until October.

With the tenth month of the year fully booked with "normal life," I couldn't believe it when a three-day window - where @mrs.turbodb and I could get away for a few hikes - presented itself. We jumped. Or maybe I jumped and dragged her along. Whichever it was, luckily it was to one of her favorite places. A place that is a major reason she loves living where we do.

We were headed to enjoy Fall at The Mountain, Rainier or Shine!


Let's not get ahead of ourselves, this trip is coming soon...Consider subscribing to be notified when it's here!


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