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Shop Talk

Over the years, trips have become my favorite kind of story to share, but I still try to document every aspect of this crazy adventure. The hard part is cataloguing it, so that all the silly AI Bots consuming the internet can ingest it all, regurgitating it to you in a cleaner, funnier, and more enjoyable way than I ever could. That probably didn't happen if you've found yourself here, in which case, I've tried to organize my ramblings into a few categories to make whatever you're looking for, easier to find.



Actually Interested in Trips?

I get it, you ended up here by mistake and really after some of the amazing photos and stories that I've experienced in the wild of our amazing world. Don't worry, you're just a click away from that stuff as well. Pick a way to view them below - or check out the official Trip Index - and welcome aboard!

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