Comb Ridge. There, somewhere, is a ruin that I've been searching for over the course of several years. While not unknown, this ruin - with walls supported by a Juniper Tree trunk - is infrequently visited and photographed, and the location is kept well under wraps by those who have been lucky enough to visit.
And I'm fine with that. I appreciate it and understand why. Still, I'll keep searching until I find it.
Looking through the - relatively little - material I have been able to collect on the ruin, a note I'd either missed or not been able to follow up on in my previous research gave me a new idea, so it was with high hopes that we hit the dirt towards a spot I'd marked on the map.
Perhaps, finally, we'd find the Juniper Tree Ruin!
Let's not get ahead of ourselves, this trip is coming soon...Consider subscribing to be notified when it's here!