When I first started exploring in the Tacoma, one of my buddies - Ben @m3bassman - mentioned nonchalantly that he had gotten out to camp at least once every calendar month of the year.
That sounded amazing to me, and so for six years I repeatedly failed at actually accomplishing the same feat. Sure, there were some months where I'd get out two or three times, my annual average higher than the one-per-month I was after, but no matter how hard I tried, it seemed like I'd miss a month here or there for some lame reason.
Finally - with a little creative categorizing of a trip that spanned the end/beginning of a month - I succeeded in 2022. And then - to my amazement - I did it again in 2023! Being ultra-competitive with myself, that left me in a bit of a pickle. Would I be able to carry on at all - with any respect for myself - if I didn't carry on this tradition?
For the most part, trips seemed to just "work out" as 2024 ticked by. It seemed like the tradition would continue - as would my self-respect - without any real contortions to my schedule. That is, until October.
With the tenth month of the year fully booked with "normal life," I couldn't believe it when a three-day window - where @mrs.turbodb and I could get away for a few hikes - presented itself. We jumped. Or maybe I jumped and dragged her along. Whichever it was, luckily it was to one of her favorite places. A place that is a major reason she loves living where we do.
We were headed to enjoy Fall at The Mountain, Rainier or Shine!