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Trip Destination: Rocky Mountains

Rocky Mountains

Clear, Colorful, Colorado - The 3C Trip (Oct 2020)

There wasn't much of a question in any of our minds as to where our two week trip was going to take place for 2020. After our setback the previous year - see Exploring Colorado Becomes Redhead Down - much of the winter had been spent getting the Redhead ready to hit the trail. A few smaller excursions to iron out the wrinkles after all the work, and we were ready to go. Colorado was calling. We wouldn't know if we were really ready until the end.    


Exploring Colorado Becomes Redhead Down (Sep 2019)

The plan for our trip to Colorado was simple: tour the state, taking in as many of the high mountain roads and views as we possibly could. After all, this was my first time really exploring the state in any real capacity, and we had a local Coloradoian with us, so we might as well take advantage of that. We met up in Wyoming and spent a couple days making our way south - hitting peaks along the Continental Divide - before diving across the border with 14,000 foot peaks in our sights. Through Medicine Bow - Routt National Forest…

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