This is a whole different kind of trip report. In fact, it doesn't involve my truck at all, and is yet perhaps the most Tacoma-heavy trip report I'll ever make (and that has perhaps been made to date) on TW!
You see, we have somewhat of a tradition each winter - as the weather gets cold and gloomy in the Pacific Northwest, we escape for a week to Kauai. We always try to stay in the same cottage; we eat lunch every day at our favorite café on the island. We walk the beach, we snorkel, and we relax.
We also love the plethora of Tacoma's. There are so many of them. And, of all generations. This year, I tried to take a picture of as many as I could. And we also kept count daily of each one we saw. We had entered the...
"author"It should be noted that by "Tacoma" I mean any non-Tundra/T1000 Toyota truck. So pre-95 Toyota Trucks are considered Tacoma's. Because let's be honest - those are some of the coolest ones on the road.
Day 1 - 74 Tacoma's
Unfortunately, I only got pictures of a few of these because I didn't have my camera handy as we were on the road… lesson learned, hahahahaha!
Day 2 - 125 Tacoma's
So many Tacoma's. We've decided that only "driving" trucks count towards our daily number, but we won't discriminate when taking pictures!
Day 3 - 125 Tacoma's
We hung out mostly on the beach and in town, which I suspect is how most of the rest of our days will go. With 28 miles of driving, we still scored the same number of trucks as yesterday!
Day 4 - 136 Tacoma's
Today was much like yesterday, and probably like tomorrow. We ventured away from the beach only for lunch at our usual spot. We did start to recognize a few Tacoma's from previous days!
Day 5 - 111 Tacoma's
Not as many trucks today, and I even took a picture of an FJ, just because it had a Tepui on it!
Day 6 - 137 Tacoma's
Back up past our daily goal of 125 Tacoma's. A couple of the guys noticed me taking pictures and gave us the Hawaiian wave! Sure would be nice to have my Tacoma here - it'd fit right in, even though it's a bit more decked out than a lot of these guys.
Day 7 - 182 Tacoma's
So. Many. Tacoma's.
Day 8 - 192 Tacoma's
Ended the last day on the island with a bang - the most Tacoma's we'd seen all trip, and we mostly just hung out at home all day (or at least, at the beach across the street). Pretty amazing to see so many Tacoma's when the road ends less than 10 miles ahead, and there are no towns in those 10 miles! We also saw our first (an only) "Tacoma trailer" - just the bed on rear wheels!
Still counts 🙂
And with that, we wrap up the Tacoma Zone of Kauai's west side. For the week, we saw well over 1000 Tacoma's, though only 957 of them were driving. I imagine that the Tacoma density here is higher than just about anywhere in the world, and it was clear from the used car and Toyota dealership that we passed that there's a high demand, regardless of age or condition!