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Two Too Hot Hikes | White Mountains #1 Two Too Hot Hikes | White Mountains #1 - For years we've travelled south to explore the Mojave. More times that I can count, we've cruised south - and…
Papoose Flat | Inyo West #4 Papoose Flat | Inyo West #4 - After thoroughly enjoying the sunrise from the shoulder of Mazourka Peak, everything was packed up and I was on the…
Mazourka | Inyo West #3 Mazourka | Inyo West #3 - Having thoroughly enjoyed my time on the Swansea to Cerro Gordo loop, I had two more areas - or at…
Swansea to Cerro Gordo | Inyo West #2 Swansea to Cerro Gordo | Inyo West #2 - I've been wanting to run the Swansea to Cerro Gordo Road - to visit the uppermost control tower of the…
Worth More Than Gold | Inyo West #1 Worth More Than Gold | Inyo West #1 - I've done a lot of exploring in and around Death Valley National Park, and have spent many a morning watching…

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