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Category: Rig Reviews

Rig Review - Winter 2024

Over the last three months of winter - which I suppose we're still sort of in, but we're soon to come out the other side - the Tacoma has been doing great. This time of year, it lives down in Las Vegas, so there's relatively little I can do from a maintenance perspective. As such, this Rig Review focuses on things that are working (or not), but doesn't really address any of them with fixes. In that time, we squeezed in four adventures (and a couple other family vacations to more... civilized accommodations). While that might be fewer trips than…


Rig Review - Fall 2024

With summer coming to an end and the Tacoma headed back down to the desert for the winter, it's time to take a look at what's been working and what hasn't been working over the last three months. In that time, we've travelled - mostly around the Pacific Northwest. Or, I suppose, the Pacific Southwest, if you're Canadian. The summer also saw quite a bit of maintenance work to keep the Tacoma in tip-top - or at least, not-falling-apart-too-quickly - shape. Most of this was in the form of some wheel, tire, and suspension work that I've been putting off,…

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Rig Review - Summer 2024

July 31, 2024 I've fallen behind with Rig Reviews since there are lots of trips to write up and share (and I think people like them more), but I'm hoping to do better. This will cover things that have happened over the course of the following trips: So, let's get into it!     Seemingly solved from previous Rig Reviews I didn't solve much from previous rig reviews this time, but I waited long enough to write up this review that all of the new issues were resolved! I'll chalk that up as a win. Unchanged / Still an issue…


Rig Review - Spring 2024

April 30, 2024 The first third of the year is in the books, and it's time to take stock of what's been working well, what's gotten a bit of attention, and what still needs to be addressed with my setup. This will cover things that have happened over the course of the following trips: So, let's get into it!     Seemingly solved from previous Rig Reviews The Rear Diff is Weeping - I didn't fix the weeping in particular, but with the new rear axle housing, the third member got a new FIPG seal and everything is good to…

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