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Modernizing the Windshield Sprayer Nozzles

I don't know when I first noticed the terrible windshield sprayers on the Tacoma, but it was probably right around late 1999. I figured there was nothing I could do about it, and so for 20 years, I just suffered through the single-jet-stream-that-gets-spread-by-the-wipers.

So, when I saw various folks on TacomaWorld talking about Honda Odyssey replacement nozzles that would spray across the entirety of the windshield - you know, like you would expect - I was intrigued; I never realized that the nozzles were a reasonably standardized item across vehicle manufacturers.

Now, not all nozzles will work - the replacement obviously needs to fit into the hole in the hood, but it's also important to make sure that:

  • The angle of the nozzle is correct for the windshield. 1st gen Tacoma windshields, being older are a little "steeper" than more modern vehicles, so the nozzles need to point up a bit more than a modern, more wedge-shaped, sedan.
  • The bottom connector from the nozzle to the fluid line needs to point towards the passenger side of the vehicle, so that the hood can close without being impeded by or interfering with the lines.

And, the other thing I wanted was to have a nozzle that was as low profile as possible - because, while the Tacoma nozzles don't spray well, they are nice and low profile.

After a bit of research, the biggest hurdle ended up being the 90°-to-passenger-side connection at the bottom of the nozzle; most nozzles I was able to find seem to exit towards the front of the vehicle. In the end, the only ones I could find were the Honda Odyssey (76810-TK8-A01) and Ford Fusion (8E5Z-17603-A).

So, on the left, is the original Tacoma nozzle - which obviously sprays two straight jets. In the center, the Ford Fusion nozzle has the same, low profile and has a non-adjustable spray pattern. Finally, on the right, the Honda Odyssey has a larger profile, and has an adjustable spray pattern.

Close ups of the Ford and Honda sprayers.

Due to the low profile, I tried the Ford nozzles first. Unfortunately, while the spray shape was good, the spray angle - which is not adjustable - was too low, spraying only about 60% of the way up the windshield, and then relying on the wipers to move the water over the rest of the surface. Surely, at speed, it would have "worked," but on slow, dusty trails... it would have been meh.

Being completely adjustable both up and down as well as left and right, I knew that the Honda nozzles would work, so I popped them in and got them adjusted. While they are a tiny bit larger, I have no doubt that only I will notice that, and only for a few days.

And, it's really great to have a spray pattern that actually covers the windshield!



  1. Lance
    Lance October 27, 2020

    Amazing how the "little" things can make a big difference in vehicle enjoyment,...
    and safety in this case
    nice writeup

  2. Chuckles89
    Chuckles89 October 27, 2020

    I've got 4th gen 4runner nozzles on my 3rd gen 4runner and they work great too! 3 holes instead of 2.

    • turbodb
      turbodb October 27, 2020

      But why would you put more jets on when you could just go with a Honda and get a nice spray?!

      • Ken
        Ken August 6, 2021

        Are you saying definitively that those honda squirters will fit a 3rd gen T4R? Kinda would like to know before I “splurge” on these.

        • turbodb
          turbodb August 6, 2021

          Hey Ken, I've not tried them in a 3rd gen T4R, and I don't have mine anymore to check, but it should be easy enough to find out. Just pop open your hood and look at where the nozzles poke through. If they make a 90 degree turn toward the passenger side (and I bet they do, just like they do on a similar vintage Tacoma), then the Honda sprayers will fit perfectly.

  3. Reedskis
    Reedskis December 3, 2020

    DUDE BRO!! Haha thanks for this seriously! My jets were spraying practically onto the roof of my cab and it was frustrating that the nozzles weren't adjustable. Easy fix so thank you thank you for not only doing the homework, but for sharing all you do on this site!

    • turbodb
      turbodb December 3, 2020

      Haha! Glad it worked for you man. I was just as excited as you when I got it working. Should have done it years ago! ?

  4. Brandon
    Brandon February 23, 2021

    This is nice little upgrade. I have a few questions.

    Do the factory Toyota nozzles just pop off?
    Did you use a trim tool to remove the factory nozzles?
    Do the Honda Odyssey nozzles pop in?

    I ordered the Honda Odyssey nozzles and should arrive in a few days.

    • turbodb
      turbodb February 23, 2021

      Yes, you'll see the clips on the Honda nozzles when you get them. The Toyota nozzles have the same clips, and you just need to compress them in order to push the nozzles through from the bottom of the hood. Takes a little fanagling, but you can get it! Then, just push the Honda ones in!

  5. Charles
    Charles April 14, 2021

    very nice upgrade!
    I would like to do the same for my Toyota 80 series.
    during your search did you came across to a honda nozzle 90° to the drivers side?

    • turbodb
      turbodb April 14, 2021

      Hi Charles, I don't recall seeing any that turn to the driver side, but then, I wasn't really looking for that. I'd recommend perusing this list of results on amazon (which is what I did), and by all means post here for others if you find what you're looking for! ?

  6. Christian
    Christian November 15, 2022

    I will try the nozzle mod on my 2004 Tundra.

    • turbodb
      turbodb November 15, 2022

      Let me know how it goes! Would be cool if this works on Tundras as well. The key will be whether the nozzle angles in the same direction (towards passenger) once it goes through the hood. If it does, I bet this will work splendidly.

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