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Rig Review - Fall 2024

With summer coming to an end and the Tacoma headed back down to the desert for the winter, it's time to take a look at what's been working and what hasn't been working over the last three months. In that time, we've travelled - mostly around the Pacific Northwest. Or, I suppose, the Pacific Southwest, if you're Canadian.

The summer also saw quite a bit of maintenance work to keep the Tacoma in tip-top - or at least, not-falling-apart-too-quickly - shape. Most of this was in the form of some wheel, tire, and suspension work that I've been putting off, but there was also a good chunk that was mechanical. Naturally, I saved a lot of the work for the last couple of weeks that the Tacoma was home, so we'll have to wait a bit to understand the long-term impacts of the work. Good impacts, hopefully.

Let's get into it!

Replacing Spherical Bearings and Wallowed out Rod Ends

TL;DR - I waited too long to swap out the spherical bearings in my ADS coilovers, and they ended up destroying the rod ends of my shocks. A simple job made more complicated by my lazy ineptitude.

Well, shit.

First Impressions - Sequioa Wheels and Kenda Klever RT Don't Fit!

TL;DR - The new wheels and tires look good, but they rub in places that are not acceptable. It's my fault, and I'm hoping to solve the problem with a couple 0.5" spacers.

Definitely no complaints in the bad-ass looks department.

Reverting My SPC Upper Control Arms to Poly Bushings

TL;DR - I am not happy with the lifespan I got out of the X-Axis joints on my SPC upper control arms (UCAs), so I'm going back to the original polyurethane bushing-based SPC UCAs.

Like 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gen Tacomas, I think the 1st generation SPC UCAs (left) are the best. Change my mind.

The Quest for Better Gas Mileage

TL;DR - I'm going to try replacing my 5th gear with a taller gear that should lower my RPMs at highway speeds and will hopefully improve my fuel economy (MPGs).

On the freeway, it's high revs all the time.

Thrice We've Had Mice (new)

TL;DR - Over our last five nights of camping in Canada, we had mice in the cab three times. What is going on?

The new normal.

Installing BORA Wheel Spacers

TL;DR - The new 1st gen Sequoia double 5-spoke wheels sit a little too inboard and cause some rubbing on my suspension components, so I've installed some wheel spacers to fix the problem.

The solution to my problem.

Bed Cracks Galore

TL;DR - I knew I had cracks in the front passenger corner of the bed, but I had no idea how bad it was. Luckily, I have great friends who could help get it buttoned back up!


Seemingly solved from previous Rig Reviews

  1. My Suspension Squeaks - turns out that I should have addressed this a long time ago, but with new rod ends on the coilovers, my suspension is a little less squeaky for the time being.
  2. The Transmission is Leaking - as part of swapping out my 5th gear, I had access to the seal between the transmission and transfer case, so I installed a new one and now I'm crossing my fingers! Again.

Unchanged / Still an issue from previous Rig Reviews

There are some things that have been featured in Rig Reviews that are - as yet - unchanged from when I originally reviewed them. Rather than highlight those things again, I'll simply link to them here.

  1. Skid plate attachment could be better


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