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Mojave Road (Dec 2018)

Having never visited the Mojave National Preserve, and being down in the area already to do some work on the Tacoma, the Mojave Road seemed like the perfect place to test out the recent modifications (to the suspension) while seeing some new terrain at the same time.

It was quickly apparent that the suspension modifications weren't going to work out, but the new terrain was just the opposite - not only did it work out, but it opened up a whole new world that I knew I'd need to return to explore in more depth.

Our trip along the Mojave Road took two full days, though we spent three nights on the trail. Starting at the east end, we visited Fort Piute, Rock Spring (and the Rock House), Government Holes, and something a bit off the road - Hole in the Rock - on our first day. Our second day, even more packed that the first included the exploration of the Death Valley Mine, before continuing west to the Marl Mountains and the Mojave Mailbox. By mid-day, we found ourselves at the Dry Soda Lake and town of Zzyzx, before heading up Afton Canyon where we found one of our most amazing camp sites ever. As if that wasn't enough, we got to experience the 35" deep - nail-biting moments - of the Afton Canyon water crossing.

This was a trip that got me hooked. It might just do the same to you!


Mojave Road Part 1 - We Head West We Head West | Mojave Road #1 - Excited to test out the rear shock relocation I'd just completed with the help of Zane @Speedytech7, I headed north toward Las Vegas to pick up @mrs.turbodb who was flying in for a two-ish day trip along the Old Mojave Road - a historically significant trail through the Mojave National Preserve in southern California. Passenger acquired, we made a quick dinner pit stop at The Habit Burger - a place we'd never been before but had heard had amazing burgers at drastically low prices ($3.50). The burgers were actually quite good - I'd recommend them over any other fast-food burger -…
Mojave Road Part 2 - So Much Adrenaline I'm Shaking So Much Adrenaline I'm Shaking | Mojave Road #2 - The rain did seem to tail off sometime in the middle of the night, and the breeze did definitely continue on into the morning. All of this gave us hope that we'd climb out of the tent to a similar situation as the previous morning - overcast, but mostly dry. Nope. It was overcast alright, but it was also super foggy. I mean, it was a pea soup-type fog that really felt like more of a windy drizzle. The tent was soaked, and we decided that we didn't even really want to eat breakfast it was so wet out. Instead,…


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