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Trip Date: 2017

Discovering what's out there.

The Day After Thanksgiving...Must be Christmas Tree Time (Nov 2017)

Last year's hunt for a Christmas tree hunt went nothing like we planned it, so this year we were itching to get out and see what the adventure would bring. It turns out, everything went exactly as planned, perhaps making up for last year. We headed out around 10am, with three goals in mind: Test out the APRS setup. Check the clearance of the new tires as the rear of the truck flexed. Get a Christmas tree.

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The De-Tour (Sep 2017)

Billed as an epic journey through some of Monte @Blackdawg's favorite places in Montana and Wyoming over the course of two weeks in fall of 2017, The De-Tour quickly became a trip for the ages - and not because of the epic views or grand overlooks. Rather, it was the weather that made this trip memorable. Record cold temperatures for this time of year, and a weather system that stuck with us for days meant we were wet, cold, and muddy much of the time. After a week, we'd had enough. Tails tucked, much of the group split for home,…

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Canada Adventure to Glacier, Yoho, Banff, and Jasper (Jul 2017)

We’ve been wanting to go to some of Canada’s National Parks for a while. So, in late 2016 when we discovered that Canada was celebrating their 150th anniversary by giving away free access to their national parks for 2017, we jumped on the opportunity to get a pass, and we started working out plans to hit Banff and Jasper during the summer. Little did we know that not only would we nearly scrap the trip, but that we’d then end up seeing two additional Parks Canada. Early June rolled around and I started planning, and we got a great itinerary.…

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Oregon Backcountry Discovery Route (Jul 2017)

Back in May (full trip), we'd attempted to run the northern 40% of the Oregon Backcountry Discovery Route, from Seneca to the Washington border. A day in, we chose a more reasonable goal: Seneca to Unity. And at day three, we called it quits - less than 50 miles from our start point. So you can imagine that we were excited for a second chance. Redemption as it were. Our plan was to run Route 5 - from New Pine Creek, California to Walla Walla, Washington - in a week. It would mean approximately 150 miles per day (assuming no…


Oregon Bound (May 2017)

This trip was special - not only were we going to explore some new places in Oregon - Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Diamond Craters, and the Oregon Backcountry Discovery Route (OBDR), we were also picking up a new toy - our Cascadia Tents RTT. By its finale, the trip turned out to be even more exciting than we ever thought it could be!

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