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Replacing the PCV Valve on a 5VZFE (Tacoma, 4Runner)

One of the easiest - and often overlooked - maintenance jobs on a Tacoma or 4Runner is replacing the PCV valve. This is a one-way check valve that allows blow-by crank case combustion gases back into the engine to be combusted, rather than vented to the atmosphere (where they would cause pollution).

As a check valve, the part is quite simple, but over time the spring in the check valve can wear out, and the grommet that holds the PCV Valve onto the engine can harden due to constant heat/cool cycles. When that happens, replacing it becomes difficult, as bits can fall into the engine - and that's not good. As such, preventative replacement is a good idea.

With the parts costing only a few dollars, and the entire job taking less than 30 minutes, let's get started. First, pick up the following:

And, you'll only need a few tools:

  • 10mm socket
  • A set of picks

With everything in hand, get started by - if you have one - removing the air box on the intake hose by loosening the hose clamp with a 10mm socket.

Once the air box is removed, you'll have great access to the PCV valve. Use a shop rag to clean around it and avoid getting crud in your engine, and then wiggle it out of the grommet.

Follow the hose connected to the PCV valve and note where it re-enters the intake manifold. You won't actually be able to see the end of the hose, but it simply fits around a metal nipple, so once you find the end, pull straight down and the hose will release.

The last piece to remove is the grommet. This is often the trickiest part, since the grommet may crumble as you start to remove it. Be careful, and use a set of picks to remove it from the top of the engine; retrieving any small bits that fall down as you do with a pair of needle nose pliers.

Then, push in the new grommet!

With the new grommet in place, first insert the end of the hose that enters the intake manifold by feeling for the metal nipple and sliding the hose over it. Again, you won't see this operation, but it's easy enough to do by feel.

Finally, insert the PCV Valve into the end of the PCV hose, and then press the PCV Valve into the grommet.

That's it! Replace the air box, and you're done.




Looking for another easy maintenance job? How about relocating the rear diff breather on your Tacoma or on your 4Runner? That's something that should be done to every Tacoma and 4Runner in order to avoid more costly repairs in the future!


  1. Ken Nyman
    Ken Nyman June 5, 2021

    Nice and simple. Two things.
    When cleaning round the engine connection, I’ve found that hitting it with a couple shots of carb cleaner then wiping it down really does a great job, just protect any electrical components with a rag or plastic bag.
    When removing the grommet, I fit an old synthetic wine bottle cork, or even just my finger, into the void to prevent FOD from getting in there while removing it.
    Really enjoy your stuff. Might be seeing more of your 4Runner soon, if it lasts on Craigslist...

    • turbodb
      turbodb June 5, 2021

      Great tips, thanks Ken! ?

  2. JAY
    JAY January 2, 2023

    Dan, I have a question regarding the pick tools here
    how satisfied are you with the quality?
    i had bot some picks at Napa store but wow they are flimsy and break the tips off

    i have to remove the fuel tank on my '97 and need good picks to separate the 26yr old rubber fuel hoses from fuel piping underneath there... will these picks suffice that task without issue in your opinion of using these?

    these are the ones linked to in your description

    Ullman - PH-4 PH 4 Hook and Pick Set - High Carbon Polished Steel Hand Tools with Aluminum Handles. Workshop Tools


    • turbodb
      turbodb January 2, 2023

      Hey Jay, I have really liked the pick tools that I've been using. They are rather small compared to "normal" automotive picks (at least, compared to those my buddies have had), but I haven't had any quality issues with them at all, and the size hasn't been a problem for me. I will say that I'm reasonably kind to my tools (compared to some others), but even so, at $10 or whatever the price was, I'm not all that worried, even if one eventually does break.

  3. Paul
    Paul January 1, 2025

    What is the purpose of the black insulation type material attached to the throttle body, where the pvc valve tube connects? Is it necessary to have on there?

    • turbodb
      turbodb January 1, 2025

      Hey Paul, I don't really know what the point of that black material is; never even really noticed it! Maybe someone else can chime in...

      • Paul
        Paul January 1, 2025

        I was just curious. I've had mice chewing on it in the past. You can actually slide it up and It'll come off making it easier to see where the connection is for the pcv hose.

        BTW I did my whole water pump/timing belt using your tutorial. Excellent material.

  4. Randy
    Randy January 28, 2025

    I changed mine about a month ago. The grommet was super hard and brittle. Pieces of it fell down inside the valve cover. So, after my little one minute melt down, I jammed a piece of plastic tubing in the mouth of a dirt devil type vacuum then sealed it up with duct tape so it wouldn't lose any pulling power. I fished it around as deep as I could in the hole where the PCV should sit and it actually worked. I pulled out all the pieces of the broken grommet. I reassembled it to make sure then I used a mirror and reflected the sunlight in the hole to make sure all was well.
    That's usually an easy job, but I let it go way too long before changing.

    • turbodb
      turbodb January 28, 2025

      Oooof, glad you got it sorted! I've heard of the grommets getting super brittle, but luckily I've never run into big problems with mine. That shop vac solution seems like a great one!

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