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Searching for the Scallywag | Missing Death Valley #3 Searching for the Scallywag | Missing Death Valley #3 - I slept soundly at the head of Ashford Canyon, two days of driving and hiking finally catching up to my…
In Over My Head | Missing Death Valley #2 In Over My Head | Missing Death Valley #2 - Making my way south from Furnace Creek, I wasn't in any rush as I putzed along Badwater Road. With tourists…
Mountains of Blue and Lakes of Green | Death Valley #1 Mountains of Blue and Lakes of Green | Missing Death Valley #1 - Driving Forever I don't know how we ever did it. Or why. Time after time, for five full years, we…
Pick One to Hug | Snow in JTNP #3 Pick One to Hug | Snow in JTNP #3 - It's extremely rare that we camp in the same location two nights in a row, but our second night in…
Wonderland in White | Snow in JTNP #1 Wonderland in White | Snow in JTNP #2 - Having climbed into the tent by 7:30pm, exhausted after nearly two days without sleep, we fell asleep quickly despite the…

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