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The Axle Housing Reinforcement is Working Well

It's amazing what a little metal glue can accomplish. This fix was a huge success.

TL;DR - I've put 10K miles on my reinforced axle housing and it's working great. I'm really in no rush for my new one to arrive.

Back at the end of September, as I was driving home from the Aftermath trip, I noticed that my rear axle housing had cracked at the perch for the passenger leaf spring. Taking a cue from Ryan @Reh5108, I refrained from simply welding the crack, opting instead to fabricate a patch to fit over the entire housing in that location. At the time, my solution was meant to see the Tacoma through one or two trips - just long enough for my custom Diamond Axle to be fabricated and delivered. As with everything these days, the six-week estimate on that has dragged on, and I've now been waiting upwards of 12 weeks. However, the patch has been working so well that I'm no longer in any sort of rush. In fact, I'll be taking my time to prep the new housing once it arrives, as it's no longer a pressing issue. #superhappy #ThanksRyan

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