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Curse of the Pahranagat (Jun 2023)

A few months ago, I headed to Nevada in search of several rock art sites along the Pahranagat Trail. After starting out with a bang in Arrow Canyon, my search in the South Pahroc Wilderness was a total flop, as I didn't find any rock art at all! After popping into the local BLM office for some tips - which they couldn't share - I aborted altogether for an alternate, ultimately amazing, itinerary.

Returning home, I had a "brilliant*" idea. Like many other Americans, I watch and read a bit of news here and there, and one of the things I've heard about over the last several years are these requests to our government for information that might otherwise be hard to find. You know, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

And so, we headed back to Nevada - to find the rock art I was looking for.

* I've now realized that I need to reevaluate my idea scale, as my FOIA request was a flop.


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