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Do you have a GPX for that?

I can't tell you how many times I get asked if I have GPS (GPX, KML, etc.) files for one of the many trips I've posted, or specific coordinates for a cabin or petroglyph site.

I totally understand why - I've been lucky enough to see some really cool stuff. And, when I see cool stuff posted by others, I too often wish I could just wave a magic want and know exactly where to go to see it myself!

And so, since I understand the feeling, I thought it would be worthwhile to talk about why I don't share them, generally. Or rather, I always share them, sort of. There are two key factors in my strategy:

  1. Planning a route can be a lot of fun, increase safety, and make for a more fulfilling trip.
  2. I don't really know what will happen to GPS data after I share it.

Let me talk about each of those...and then about solutions.

Planning a Route is When the Trip Starts!

One reason I don't share raw GPS data is because I've come to realize that figuring out the route is actually part of the adventure. Just going to a place can net you a nice photo, but understanding that place - and finding places around it to explore as well - that's what really makes for great memories and an adventure!

So often, as I'm planning a trip, I start with a single place that I want to see, and by the time the trip is over, the highlight turns out to be something else entirely - something I'd have never discovered if I didn't plan the route myself, understanding the roads and landmarks that were in the area. And how big of a bummer would it be to miss the highlight?! A big one.

Planning a trip also means that you'll better understand what you're getting yourself into - at least, more than if you have a GPS coordinate and tell your favorite mapping app to give you directions. Folks get stuck in places they shouldn't be all the time because mapping apps are dumb. But if you plan the route yourself, you know beforehand what you are getting into. Headed over a 10,000' pass on a dirt road? You can make that decision before you end up there in your sedan.

I Don't Really Know What Will Happen

What I mean here is that I don't know how anything I share electronically is going to be used - and by who. The person who asks me for GPS information might seem totally cool in all of our online interactions, and may promise not to share with anyone else. But then, they take a buddy along on the trip, and that buddy posts pics to Instagram and later shares the route to someone else on a forum. Eventually - the route is floating around all over the place in various "trail" sites and Android/iOS mapping apps. A special place is now less so, even though the original person never physically shared it themselves. Ugh.

See - in this day and age of the internet - it's so easy to find information on a location that many, many, many places are becoming overrun with people. Many of these people are folks who haven't grown up learning how to respect the outdoors, and what they find there. People who have never heard of "leave no trace," and so don't even know that they are doing something harmful when they leave a square or two of toilet paper, or a new fire ring, out in the wild. The situation is not unlike the children's book, If Everybody Did.

Why am I picking up after you, again?!

It's not their fault. No one ever helped them to learn. But it doesn't matter - the damage is still taking place, because with GPS coordinates it's easy to just go, and the endorphin rush of getting that photo for their @Instabook is just so enticing.[1] [2] [3]

I (Almost) Always Share My Routes

As I've thought about it, there are several possible solutions to my sharing dilemma. A couple of early ideas I had were to:

  • Charge a one-time fee for the coordinates - a large enough fee might dissuade the casual requestor, or make someone feel that they didn't want to share with others who hadn't paid.
  • Setup a subscription - I've seen others make Patreon subscriptions where you pay some amount per month over the course of a 6 month period, and then, if you remain a subscriber, you get to request a couple specific locations over the next 12 months - the idea being that you aren't just in-and-out for a quick bit of data.

But those don't sit right with me either. I don't own these places, they aren't mine to make money from. I needed another solution.

After noodling on it some more, I realized that I could share the routes - right out in the open. But to do that, I'd need to camouflage them a bit - so I wasn't just giving away the keys to the castle. The solution - I realized - was to give anyone the the ability to make their own keys. A set of keys that I use to build my trips as well - the Keys to Route Planning.

The Route Planning Series


So, if you're looking to follow in my footsteps or see just a slice of one of my adventures - you can! Most of the "tracks" are all there in plain sight, described in the trip report. Major/well-known road names, natural and man-made places, relative directions of travel - all of these things are spelled out (with some exceptions*). A trail of breadcrumbs for the eager explorer. Grab your favorite beverage, a chair, and some maps. Read through the trip report carefully, make note of the landmarks, and follow along on your map. Enjoy the process of building a route, the satisfaction of knowing that you've solved a puzzle.

* There are a few places that aren't spelled out and show up in a trip report like this: ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ . Or, they might be redacted and "out of order" to keep the location harder to find. And some places that aren't mentioned at all. These are cases where the place in question is extremely sensitive, or where others have asked me not share specific names/locations. In order to show my appreciation and maintain their trust, I've redacted the content.

Because, if you're not willing to spend a bit of time solving a puzzle in order to experience the natural wonders of our world, it's probably better that you don't find them.

Ready to Go Somewhere Awesome?




  1. Brandon
    Brandon March 15, 2021

    I was always taught to respect the outdoors. I have taught my five-year-old daughter to do the same. I caught myself being lazy when visiting the local Costco. I almost failed to return the cart to the parking lot cart rack. I jumped in my Tacoma and said dang it, I am being lazy. I got out and grabbed my cart and another loose cart and put them in the cart rack.

  2. Sean
    Sean April 20, 2021

    Thank you for posting this. Part of the adventure is finding things for oneself.

  3. Lee Hambly
    Lee Hambly May 11, 2021

    A perfectly reasonable and respectful way to share "routes". Makes a lot of sense to me.

    DAVID DEVOUCOUX February 21, 2022

    Agree with all except one statement. You mentioned it's not their fault if they don't understand " leave no trace". I disagree. Manners are something we all were brought up with, to one extent or another. And, as adults, we are exposed to manners in society as we live each day. Whether we agree to understand/respect manners or not... is our choice. Whether we agree to respect others.... is our choice. With this in mind, I do blame those who disrespect other people and property that isn't theirs. I'm glad you pointed out the person who carved his message on the mine property. Let's hope someday he sees your post and maybe learns a lesson.

    "Leave no trace" is self explanatory. Anyone who doesn't understand those three words.... Is beyond my comprehension....

    Thank you for not sharing gps information. I do enjoy your clues and have spent time trying to figure out the routes and places you've gone! It's fun! And yes, it's part of my responsibility in planning if I choose to follow in your steps...

    • turbodb
      turbodb February 21, 2022

      Hi David,
      I was probably unclear in my "not their fault" statement, and I'll try to clear it up in the post. When I said, "It's not their fault," it was in reference to the last sentence in the previous paragraph:

      People who have never heard of "leave no trace," and so don't even know that they are doing something harmful when they leave a square or two of toilet paper, or a new fire ring, out in the wild. The situation is not unlike the children's book, If Everybody Did.

      If they've never been taught about leave no trace - as in, it's never been mentioned to them - then I can't fault them for not knowing how to leave no trace. I can certainly fault the people who didn't teach them, and I can think to myself that "it seems self evident," but I think that there are probably things that are self-evident to people in professions other than mine that I would have to be taught in order to understand.

      Anyway, it is a bit of a moot point really. There are enough people who do not follow leave no trace - the majority, I'd say - who do known about it and just choose to ignore it. That's disrespectful and bad mannered, and I don't like it either.

      Anyway, I hope that explains what I was trying to say there a bit better.
      Cheers, Dan

  5. George Coe
    George Coe December 26, 2022

    I figured you shared the same respect for sensitive areas as I do. I have a Youtube Channel and forum threads and often I get, "hey can you give me a GPX for your routes?" ect. I don't tell and usually tell them why.

    I, like you, do put easter eggs in the videos for those who want to take the time to figure out where I am. Like you, I figure if they take the time to figure it out then they are probably people who will share the same respect for the areas.

    I know the Owyhee area pretty well. Traveled a lot of back county roads on the Idaho and Oregon side all the way down into Nevada. Also, I know quite a bit of history in and around the Owyhees too.

    See you on the trails! George.

  6. Monte
    Monte June 23, 2024

    So glad to see this. All I hear about nowadays are the hordes overrunning, graffiti-tagging precious places, and ruining them - only to move on to the next one for their IG photos. Thanks Dan for the time and thought put into your solution

    • turbodb
      turbodb June 23, 2024

      Thanks Monte. It's probably not a perfect way to go, but I feel like it's a reasonable way to go, and I'm always happy to adapt the methodology if folks have suggestions.

  7. Mark
    Mark September 23, 2024

    I've been planning my trips from the get go and having those bread crumbs along the way are great for those of us who also enjoy the adventure. In the past 7 years I have really enjoyed the West Coast after retiring from the military. I started following YouTubers and picking up tid bits of info and did the very same thing; constructed my own route. It was so much fun looking at these videos and then switching back and forth with Google Maps/Earth to figure places out. I appreciate your stories and appreciate that some of those places I've been/seen and some I can't believe I was that close and missed the trail! I have also picked up on something else; the YouTubers I started following are much more careful in what they video or what they say when it comes to locations/areas and it follows the same principles that you spoke of. Those that just don't understand the repercussion of their actions. Thank you again for your stories and many of the breadcrumbs you do still leave behind. I respect that.

    • turbodb
      turbodb September 24, 2024

      Thanks for the kind note, and glad to hear that you’ve been able to figure out some cool spots! They really are everywhere, and I’ve found that you don’t even need to look that hard to find them. Of course, some spots get overpopulated because of social media, but there’s nothing inherently better about those spots than the ones we can all find by just exploring roads that lead to somewhere. 👍

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