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Chicken Tender Wraps - A Great Dinner

I do miss my avocados, but these always hit the spot.

TL;DR - with trips to Las Vegas now taking place via plane, it's much harder to bring avocados (compared to packing them securely and driving them from home). Becuase I refuse to eat tacos or burritos without guacamole, I had to find an alternative. Chicken Tender wraps have fit the bill fantastically.

Prior to flying down to Las Vegas, part of my pre-trip preparation was to purchase a bunch of avocados (one per day) at the grocery store, 3-5 days prior to start of the trip. They'd ripen (mostly) at home, and I'd wrap each one in a hand towel before placing them in a cardboard box for protection and final ripening on the trip.

This is - obviously - not possible anymore, and purchasing avocados in Las Vegas is pointless, since most trips are five days long, and they take at least that long to ripen.

Enter chicken tender wraps. I first saw Ben @m3bassman do this on our trip to The Maze District, and it couldn't be simpler:

  • Buy one chicken tender per person per meal at the grocery store deli. Place in fridge for safe keeping.
  • At dinner time, heat the chicken tender in an aluminum foil pouch for 8 minutes, flipping every 2 minutes to avoid burning the breading.
  • Add to a toasted tortilla, with mayo, mustard, and lettuce. Other fillings to taste (tomato, avocado if you have it, etc.) are fine as well.
  • Eat. So. Yum.

The best part - which is even better than tacorittoes - is that there's nothing to wash at the end. Just recycle the aluminum foil and you're laughing!


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Food (and Meals)(5 entries)
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