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Front Bump Stops - More Durobumps

1st gen Tacoma front LCA Durobumps. The bump on the left is for the front hole of the LCA; the angled bump on the right is for the rear.

TL;DR - I've really liked all of the bump stops from Durobumps, so I've installed a second set on the front lower control arms!

Recently, I replaced a lot of the bushings on the front of my truck - the lower control arms (LCAs), steering rack, and front diff. When I did that, I also installed some Durobump bump stops on the LCAs, and an astute reader mentioned to me that I installed them in the wrong position, replacing the front OEM bump stops rather than the rear.

Thanks for noticing the screw-up, Andrew!

Anyway, while I didn't notice any problem with the bump stops in the front rather than the rear, I had a chat with the creator, Curtis. Technically, we were chatting about other products that he makes for Tacoma's - specifically the rear bump stops and u-bolt flip kits for 1st gens - both of which I installed and love, but that he no longer offers. Through the flow of that conversation, he mentioned that he was working on a set of bump stops for the front mount of the LCA, and asked if I wanted to give a set a try.

Liking his other products, I jumped at the opportunity, and had a set sent my direction. I've had them installed for several months now, and the cushioning of the ride up front has been fantastic.

A much nicer cushion than the stock hockey-puck style bump stops.

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