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My Steering Rack is Leaking

The dreaded leak. Perhaps I'll rebuild it once the new rack is installed.

TL;DR - I noticed on the NMBDR that the steering rack was leaking. I'm going to replace it with a new OEM Power Steering Rack (44250-35042)

I don't know if it was related to the work that I did on the steering rack bushings or LCA bushings (where the steering rack has to be moved pretty far in order to access the rear cam bolt), but shortly after Replacing All the Bushings, the steering rack started to leak. So far, it's a very slow leak and carrying a quart of ATF to refill the power steering fluid reservoir - about a rate of about 1 oz. per week - has been fine, but I've already ordered a new steering rack to replace the old one. It has, after all, served me well for 21 years and 190K miles.

Just waiting to be installed.

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Steering(8 entries)
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