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Rig Review - What worked and what didn't Winter 2022?

March 15, 2022.

Time flies when you're having fun, and the last several trips have been exactly that. A regular reader may recall that my last rig review was just as the transfer case blew up on my Back for More trip to Death Valley. Since then, the truck has been out four more times (which obviously indicates that at least something has gone right! .

Another Broken Leaf Spring (new, ongoing, and resolved)

A clever solution to a broken leaf spring.

TL;DR - I had to cut my trip short when another leaf - this time the main leaf - broke on the first day of a 4 day adventure. I've now replaced the leaf springs, solving the problem.

My Alternator Failed

Worn out brushes in an alternator. A $15 part, and a 45 minute service - in the comfort of your garage - can mean the difference between completing a trip and being completely stranded.

TL;DR - the alternator failed as I was about 90 minutes from home, and it was because the brushes had worn out. Luckily, I was carrying a spare set and swapped them in about an hour, completely fixing the issue.

The Core Support is Cracking Where the Battery is Secured (new, resolved)

TL;DR - The battery tie down that bolts to the core support has cracked core support as a result of all the rattling around. I've reinforced it, and will monitor it going forward.

A cracked core support. Not good.

I Got New Seats

There's no question that scheel-mann seats look good. And so far, the comfort is better as well. Time will tell if they are really worth the hefty price.

TL;DR - the new scheel-mann Vario R seats are good, but they aren't for everyone due to cost.

Seemingly solved from previous Rig Reviews

  1. I Need New Seats
  2. The Drawer in the In-Cab Battery Cabinet Rattles
  3. Transfer Case Input Shaft Bearing is Imploding
  4. Hella HIDs fail to turn on
  5. Broken Leaf Spring

Unchanged / Still an issue from previous Rig Reviews

There are some things that have been featured in Rig Reviews that are - as yet - unchanged from when I originally reviewed them. Rather than highlight those things again, I'll simply link to them here.

  1. Front ADS Coilover Spherical Bearings
  2. The Zipper on the CVT Tent is Shit
  3. My Suspension Squeaks


Check out older Rig Reviews



  1. Ralph Turner
    Ralph Turner April 13, 2022

    Your riser solution is genius, could be a cottage industry for someone with a 3D printer.

    • turbodb
      turbodb April 13, 2022

      Thanks Ralph! I was thinking that it'd be really useful to know how to use a CAD program and to have a 3D printer as I made the riser, hahaha! Oh well, the old school way of using a tape measure and some woodworking tools came through in the end, even if it's a one-off! I really can't believe that Toyota overlooked this bit of their design. Seems so obvious to me...

    JOHN MORAN April 13, 2022

    Always interested is upgrades and "fix-its" that people come up with even though my truck is very different. I do need to do something with my front seat but it will certainly be a rebuild by a local auto upholstery fellow since new seats too expensive plus have air bags all around among other things. I'm not concerned about suspension since it's strong and have overloads on the leaf springs. Still, enjoy the good read on your experiences and looking forward to your next trips.

  3. Thomas R
    Thomas R April 15, 2022

    Another great write-up! Thank you for sharing and continuing to inspire us.

  4. Jonathan
    Jonathan April 24, 2022

    Where did you get the new built bussman? I didn't think sandman was making them anymore?

    • turbodb
      turbodb April 24, 2022

      Hey Jonathan, I thought I mentioned it in the little blurb - I put it together myself (after a few taps on the keyboard and clicks of the mouse, ordering parts). ?

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