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Mojave Redemption (Dec 2019)

After visiting the Mojave National Preserve in December 2018 to run the historic Mojave Road, and test out the new rear shocks I'd installed, we ended up having remove the shocks after less than a mile and the run the entire trip with no shocks on the rear of the Tacoma.

We needed to redeem ourselves.

Plus, I knew I needed to get back to explore this vast wonderland more than a single road could ever allow. With nearly two weeks over Christmas and New Years reserved on the calendar, our initial goal was to explore everything. Like as in - never have to go back because we'd seen it all.

Of course, for anyone who knows the Mojave, that idea itself is laughable. Even as twists and surprises were thrown into our plans, we realized that we'd need YEARS, not weeks, to do this place justice.

Join us as we loop around the preserve, discovering dozens of lost mines, record-setting snow, singing sand dunes, and hikes we'll remember for the rest of our lives. We do our best to stay off of the Mojave Road and sites we've seen before, exploring the into the remote reaches of the preserve.

Or, at least, remote for our second ever trip there!

Mojave Redemption - #1 - Off to an Ominous Start Off to an Ominous Start | Mojave Redemption #1 - This trip is going to be EPIC. In fact, once we complete our 8 days in the Mojave National Preserve, we'll probably be done exploring the area - we'll hit all the important bits, and will have no reason to go back - except to show of the coolest areas to our friends.Famous last words! Spoiler: I need to go back. Just look at all the cool places we'll go (in blue). The First Day (Christmas) It was Christmas day, and for us, that meant we were kicking off our next adventure by starting the two-day trek from the Seattle…
Mojave Redemption - #2 - Should We Turn Around and Go Home? Should We Turn Around and Go Home? | Mojave Redemption #2 - Camped in a casino parking lot, it was a noisy night - at least comparatively. But, by the time we woke up the rain had stopped, a light breeze was blowing, and the skies to the west - where we were headed - were mostly sunny! The tent still needed a little drying, so I set about that task as @mrs.turbodb got breakfast ready to go. We ate while admiring the long line of cars still backed up on I-15, and then turned on the heater as we slotted ourselves into the line of traffic. Luckily, we only had a…
Mojave Redemption - #3 - Cinder Cones and Sand Dunes Cinder Cones and Sand Dunes | Mojave Redemption #3 - The night was chilly, but by using some Little Hotties inside our socks while we slept, we were able to stay nice and toasty in the tent. Still in the shade since we'd parked reasonably close to the hillside to shelter us from the wind, we walked out into the desert to enjoy our breakfast and soak in the long rays of the sun as it peaked over the southeastern horizon. By the time we were done, the sun was just starting to hit the tent, and as @mrs.turbodb got the kitchen put away, I stowed the tent for our days activities.…
Mojave Redemption #4 - Hidden Mines and Highway Robbery Hidden Mines and Highway Robbery | Mojave Redemption #4 - Our location at the Kelso Dunes was the first where I thought there'd be a chance of a nice sunrise, so I'd set my alarm for 6:00am to try and catch the orange on the horizon. It was of course quite chilly at 6:00am, and so I had the bright idea to just take a photo with my phone out the door of the tent, rather than climbing down the ladder to fetch the Canon 80D - that I shoot with - from the truck. Well, the photo came out so poorly - compared to what I'm now used to - that…
Mojave Redemption #5 - Into the New York Mountains Into the New York Mountains | Mojave Redemption #5 - It seems that after several very cold nights, we were both starting to get used to the temperature and though it was cold, we were both cozy under the covers for the duration of the night. And, having gone to bed with a few clouds in the sky, I set my alarm early in hopes that a few would stick around until morning when they'd once again be illuminated by a sun that seemed to hug the horizon through the entirety of the day. And sure enough, the long rays of the winter put on quite the show - even…
Mojave Redemption #6 - Blue Rocks and a Dozen Cabins Blue Rocks and a Dozen Cabins | Mojave Redemption #6 - We had mostly clear skies and a it of breeze when we awoke in the morning. Our spot on the alluvial fan had worked out great, though not quite as remote as it appeared - the Morning Star Mine Road below us was significantly busier than we'd expected. The sun out, nothing about the morning seemed out of the ordinary as we got breakfast underway and broke down the tent. It was only when we went to latch the swing-outs closed that we discovered something was amiss. The u-bolt on the latch had broken, and no longer secured the swing-outs.…
Mojave Redemption #7 - Redemption in the Clark Mountains Redemption in the Clark Mountains | Mojave Redemption #7 - When I'd marked the spot we camped in Valley Wells, I hadn't really done any research on it. I knew it was on a road that would take us to the Copper World Mine, and I'd seen what looked like some ruins during my route planning in Google Earth, but that was the extent of my research. Shoot, I didn't even know that it was called Valley Wells! What I did know when we went to bed though was that we were well positioned for a colorful sunrise - if some clouds showed up overnight. Lucky for us, they did,…
Mojave Redemption #8 - Zzyzx, The Last Word - By Design Zzyzx, The Last Word - By Design | Mojave Redemption #8 - When we arrived at Zzyzx the previous evening, we’d expected to drive right into the town of the old Mineral Springs and Health Spa - so you can imagine our surprise when we encountered a locked gate across the road. It didn't matter all that much since it was dark and we weren't planning on exploring until the next morning anyway, so we found a campsite that was reasonably private near the base of the Soda Mountains. After our normal routine, found ourselves snoozing through our warmest night of the trip - understandable give our elevation of only 951 feet…
Rig Review: Death Valley & Mojave 2019 - What worked and what didn't? Rig Review: Death Valley & Mojave 2019 - What worked and what didn't? - January 4, 2020 Another year of wheeling and camping is in the books. I find myself here writing a rig review as one of 2020's first posts, for the last couple of trips that we took in 2019. By and large, the truck performed well on those trips In Search of Overlooks in Death Valley and though an unexpectedly snowy trip to the Mojave Preserve. There were - as always - a couple things worth calling out - so without further ado, let's get to it! Seemingly solved from previous Rig Reviews Front ADS Coilover Spherical Bearings Squeaking Unchanged /…

Love the Mojave? Check out the
Mojave National Preserve Index
for all the amazing places I’ve been in and around this special place over the years.

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