As usual, I've had a great time over the last 12 months. For the third year in a row, every calendar month saw at least one trip to explore the outdoors, and this year was the first with two trips to Canada!
Thanks to everyone who has enjoyed the stories and shared a story of their own. I really appreciate hearing about memories or experiences that others have had at the places I've been able to discover.
Trips: 17 | Tent nights: 63 | Total photos: 3,664
Each photo links to the story where it was used, and the photos are in chronological order. Except for the last one. Because it belongs where it is.
To the End of the World, and Beyond | Snow in JTNP #1
Pick One to Hug | Snow in JTNP #3
Mountains of Blue and Lakes of Green | Missing Death Valley #1
Mountains of Blue and Lakes of Green | Missing Death Valley #1
The Perfect Day for Something Stupid
Cameron to Utah – The Best for Last | AZBDR Stage 6
Another Swing-and-a-Miss | Other Side #2
Playing it Safe | Other Side #3
Worth More Than Gold | Inyo West #1
Worth More Than Gold | Inyo West #1
Our First 14er | White Mountains #3
Our First 14er | White Mountains #3
Late Arrival | InterVANtion #1
Quartet of Lakes | InterVANtion #3
No Rush to Run Rady | Unexpectedly Wet #3
Everything Was Fine Until It Wasn’t | Unexpectedly Wet #4
Everything Was Fine Until It Wasn’t | Unexpectedly Wet #4
More Summits Means More Mushrooms | Sunshine Coast #4
Grand Park | Rainier or Shine #1
Sourdough Superhighway | Rainier or Shine #2
The Second Best Site | Return to the Desert #2
Planting Baby Joshua Trees | Return to the Desert #3
Visiting the Virginia May | Return to the Desert #4
We're in the Wrong Mountains | Cottonwoods #1
We're in the Wrong Mountains | Cottonwoods #1
We're in the Wrong Mountains | Cottonwoods #1
Ancient Gems of Bighorn Gorge | Cottonwoods #4
So many beautiful and wonderful photos, reminders of the great trips and stories that you shared. Thank You!
As always, thanks so much John!
I absolutely love your trips, your photos are beyond outstanding. Thanks for taking me.
Glad you've enjoyed coming along Lorna! Hope you'll enjoy what comes next as well!
Great trips Dan, Keep on Truckin!
Great time of making memories, I love your trips and picture being there. The photos are spectacular as usual.
I have several camp trips tentatively scheduled for this spring and summer to explore and ride.
Thanks so much Kenny! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. Can't wait for the green grass across the hills, and my first trip back to Owyhee; I really missed it last year!
Wonderful compilation of some excellent photos! Thanks for posting.
Thanks Lapsley!
Those are amazing photos! Thank you so much for sharing.
Happy to say we experienced the incredible bloom in the Mojave last spring as well.
Hoping 2025 brings you many more such adventures.
Beautiful photos of wonderful areas! Great work!
Thanks Shayne! Glad you enjoyed them! 👍