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Favorite Photos | 2020 Edition

Well, another year is in the books. It wasn't normal - not by any stretch of the imagination, but we were lucky to get a lot of great trips in despite the precarious situation that the world found ourselves enveloped by for most of the year.

As the end of the year rolls around, I recalled enjoying the process I went through for the first time last year - picking through my photos from the year, re-remembering all the great times, so I figured I'd do it again!

So let's get started.

My Top 24

I see the light.
(Exploring lava tubes in Mojave Redemption)

(Sunset isn't always the highlight of the evening. Sometimes you just have to wait. Mojave Redemption)

Desert shade.
(Death Valley Connections)

(An F-18 races through Hidden Valley, the mountains obscured by jet wash. Death Valley Connections)

(After this fly-by, I was on cloud nine for a couple hours. The closest I've been to one of these beasts. Death Valley Connections)

Falling Man.
(I love the colors in this photo. Mojave East)

Hidden Tinaja.
(The stripes, the water, the seclusion and secrecy. Mojave East)

Making the best of a bad situation.
(@mini.turbodb Steals the Tacoma for a Seattle Safari)

(Owyhee Uplands)

(Owyhee Uplands)

Snow-covered Steens Mountain.
(Owyhee Uplands)

Sharing a moment.
(Escape to the Sierras)

(Nevada Backcountry Discovery Route)

The Mountain.
(Roaming Around Rainier)

First light.
(Roaming Around Rainier)

(Clear, Colorful, Colorado - The 3C Trip)

(Clear, Colorful, Colorado - The 3C Trip)

(Clear, Colorful, Colorado - The 3C Trip)

(Clear, Colorful, Colorado - The 3C Trip)

You coming?
(Retracing Panamint Valley's Nadeau Trail)

Grand views.
(Retracing Panamint Valley's Nadeau Trail)

(Death Valley Loose Ends)

Night sky.
(Short Days and Long Hikes in the Mojave)

(Short Days and Long Hikes in the Mojave)

My Favorite Photo

I liked this photo when I took it, but it has even more meaning to me now.

Of my dad - standing in perhaps his favorite spot on the planet. He'd planned to leave a few hours earlier, but just couldn't pull himself away - delaying his departure a few final moments with a look out over a landscape that he knew down to the very last inch. Neither of us knew at the time, but we'd never see it the same way again.

Never Forget.
(Escape to the Sierras)


Not enough for you? Check out #favphotos from other years


  1. Jim
    Jim February 22, 2021

    Loved it! Thanks. UJ

    • turbodb
      turbodb February 22, 2021

      Woohoo! We need to get another trip together so we can get you in there. With some bocce balls!

  2. Jim
    Jim February 22, 2021

    Yeah! As soon as this pandemic is over, I would love it if Foot and I could join you guys on an adventure somewhere. I personally am ready right now. UJ

  3. Philippe Richen
    Philippe Richen February 23, 2021

    Great pix. Continue the saga...I look forward to it when I receive the emails

  4. Travis Rutherford
    Travis Rutherford February 24, 2021

    Excellent pics! We're really looking forward to getting back out there once things start to dry up a bit.

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