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Order FAQ

How long does it take to ship an order?

Unless I'm on a trip, most orders ship either the same day or within one business day. There are some exceptions to this timeframe if you've ordered a custom build-to-order item, but we've probably already discussed a timeframe in email by the time you place the order.

When I am on a trip, sometimes my wife is able to help ship orders. When she is not - usually because she is with me - I'll try to email you (when I get service) to let you know when I will return and ship your order. Most of my trips are only a few days long.

Why didn't I receive an order confirmation?

If you placed an order, thank you! I sent you a confirmation as soon as payment was successful - or at least, I tried to. That email went to the email address associated with the payment method you choose, so please be sure to confirm that you've checked that email address.

Also, I find that GMail is very bad at flagging these messages as spam, so be sure to check you spam folder for email from If you do find an email from me in your spam folder, please open it, then click the “Not Spam” button at the top of the message, so that you receive future emails in your inbox.

Where is my order / what is my tracking number?

If you placed an order, thank you! Unless I'm on a trip, I try to pack and send orders within one business day, though often I send them the same day the order is placed.

When I ship an order, I will send an email to the email address you used when you placed the order (registered with PayPal, amazon, ApplePay, Google Pay, etc.) with a tracking number and a bit more information about whatever it is that you ordered.

If you do not see this email, please check your spam folder for messages from I find that GMail is very bad at flagging these messages as spam. If you do find an email from me in your spam folder, please open it, then click the “Not Spam” button at the top of the message, so that you receive future emails in your inbox.

I have another question, where should I ask it?

No problem at all, I'm always happy to help. Please contact me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.