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Rig Review: Whipsaw & Colorado 2019 - What worked and what didn't?

September 30, 2019.

It was another whirlwind of trips through August and September, with three more trips and 21 more nights now in the books: The Whipsaw Trail in BC, Canada, a trip with Pops to the California Sierra, and a nearly two-week adventure through Wyoming and Colorado. Of those, the two driving adventures both ended early due to mechanical failure of at least one vehicle on the trip, so without further ado, let's get into what's bound to be a stunning rig review!

Front Brakes - Hard Line Kit Impressions

TL;DR - the hard brakes lines are working fabulously and I'm happy to have installed them.

Rear Axle Seals - Failure and Replacement

TL;DR - The rear axle seal replacement seems to worked beautifully and there is no more leaking at all.

Little Hotties Hand Warmers

TL;DR - if you get cold hands/feet at night when it's cold outside, and would like to be warm and toasty in bed, these work great as long as they are exposed to air/moisture.

Front ADS Reservoirs Too Close to Tires

TL;DR - Moving the resis to the top of the frame means there is no more rubbing and I have my turning radius back.

Front ADS Coilover Spherical Bearings Squeaking

TL;DR - it's been about a year and my spherical bearings are getting squeaky; time to replace them.

Relentless Skid Plate Attachment

TL;DR - The skid plates are holding up, but the mounting strategy could have been better. For the 3rd time, I'm modifying it.

Oil Leaking from Transfer Case

TL;DR - I have oil leaking from the transfer case where the front drive shaft attaches.

Overall Weight of the Tacoma

Not technically my truck. Mine might be heavier.

TL;DR - the truck is heavy at 5800 lbs loaded, and I need to find a way to shed weight. That's now on the project list for this winter.

Seemingly solved from previous Rig Reviews

  1. Front ADS Reservoirs Too Close to Tires

Unchanged / Still an issue from previous Rig Reviews

There are some things that have been featured in Rig Reviews that are - as yet - unchanged from when I originally reviewed them. Rather than highlight those things again, I'll simply link to them here.

  1. The Swing-Out Table
  2. The Ham Radio Antenna


Check out older Rig Reviews


  1. Rich
    Rich November 12, 2019

    Prolly not your issue, but wondering how Redhead is possibly going to effect a lasting repair on his front suspension???? that looked gnarly for sure!

    • turbodb
      turbodb November 12, 2019

      The short answer is "a lot of work," hahahaha. It's a cool community though, and we've already gotten underway. Mike bought a ton of new parts (new coil buckets and a bunch of reinforcing pieces) and we removed the engine to cut off the old ones and weld in new. Soon enough, the engine will be going back in and (fingers crossed) we'll be starting it up again...ready for the next trail.

      • Rich
        Rich November 13, 2019

        Is he detailing it anywhere with pix? It looks like a good thing for other 1st gen trucks to inspect in an on-going manner IF we know what to look for and where! That kind of failure had to be a long while in the making....


  2. James Cleveland
    James Cleveland January 23, 2023

    Wow, 5800lbs. That's amazing, and the little Tacoma keeps on ticking. Is your tranny fluid still red?... Do you have the rear lockers? If so do you use them. I've been hearing great things about those lockers. My new remote switch works those puppy's fine. Even though my 4 wheel drive is history. All that beefed-up suspension work you did has paid off with the weight your carrying. I wondered why that rear leaf spring broke. You should bronze that Tacoma (When her time has come) as a testament to it's greatness. I just can't say enough about those trucks.

    • turbodb
      turbodb January 23, 2023

      Yeah, it's not light, hahaha! I've done a bit of weight reduction, and the "normal" weight now is around 5500lbs - still heavy!

      I'm lucky to have a MT, and I'm the most grandpa-y of drivers, so the fluid is still in great shape (and changed regularly to keep it that way).

      And, I'm right there with you on the greatness of these Tacomas. Some day I'll need something different, but let's hope that is a ways off!

  3. James Cleveland
    James Cleveland January 23, 2023

    Yep, I baby mine also. In fact on the trails the speedo almost never comes off of zero. A lot of guys blast through the trails, act like fools kicking up all the %$#@$% dust. I look at it this way, if one is out on the trails your escaping this insane world of reality. Why would you want to hurry back . For some strange reason I'm just totally together out there.

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