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Favorite Photos | 2022 Edition

We've reached the end of the year again, a good time to look back at the last 12 months, contemplating everything that's happened and - as always - overanalyze it.

Trips: 19 | Tent nights: 74 | Total photos: 4636

This year, looking through my favorite photos, I realized that more and more, I enjoy photos that don't contain the Tacoma. I don't know why this is exactly, and I don't expect that there will be fewer Tacoma shots in the future - it is the roaming gnome of my adventures - but I find it to be an interesting development. Perhaps it's harder to compose the perfect shot with the Tacoma in the frame. More likely, it's just that I have no idea which photos will be "my favorites" when I take them, lending credence to If You Take Enough Photos, Some Are Bound to be Decent. Or - at least - reinforcing the excuse to maintain my lackluster technique.

This year, I've compiled a few of these photos into a 2023 Calendar. Most of the cost of the calendars go to the printing company, but about a gallon of gas worth (theoretically) ends up my direction. If you are interested and pick one up, thank you!

Each photo links to the story where it was used, and within each section, the photos are in chronological order.


Snowy Roads, Dusty Roads, and a Small Tug | Hiking Saline Valley #1

Snowy Roads, Dusty Roads, and a Small Tug | Hiking Saline Valley #1

Snowy Roads, Dusty Roads, and a Small Tug | Hiking Saline Valley #1

Snowy Roads, Dusty Roads, and a Small Tug | Hiking Saline Valley #1

Snowy Roads, Dusty Roads, and a Small Tug | Hiking Saline Valley #1

Our Paths Finally Cross | Hiking Saline Valley #5

A Juggler, a Broken Hearted Man, and Sid & Charley | Swell #2

A Juggler, a Broken Hearted Man, and Sid & Charley | Swell #2

Transformation Panel of the Ochre Alcove | Swell #4

Dirty Devils and Black Dragons | Swell #5

A Little Drama in the Sky | Out-and-Backs #2

A Tour of Cabins atop Steens Mountain

Hard Times at Poker Flat | Plumas #1

Rady’s Still Runnable | M&M #2

Rady’s Still Runnable | M&M #2

Hallowed Ground | M&M #4

Coyote Flat via Big Pine Route | Eastern Sierra #1

Coyote Flat via Bishop Route | Eastern Sierra #2

They Built a Road to the Sky | Eastern Sierra #3


In Search of Grand Views | Hiking Saline Valley #2

In Search of Grand Views | Hiking Saline Valley #2

A Juggler, a Broken Hearted Man, and Sid & Charley | Swell #2

More Than We Bargained For | Swell #3

(family photo of @mini.turbodb | no story)

Rainforests | Olympic Peninsula #3

Coyote Flat via Big Pine Route | Eastern Sierra #1

Coyote Flat via Bishop Route | Eastern Sierra #2

They Built a Road to the Sky | Eastern Sierra #3

Big Mine, Small Dunes | Inyo East #3

Big Mine, Small Dunes | Inyo East #3


Change of Plans | Lipstick #1

It’s Mine, Mine, Mine – All Mines! | Lipstick #4

It’s Mine, Mine, Mine – All Mines! | Lipstick #4

It’s Mine, Mine, Mine – All Mines! | Lipstick #4

Through the Mule Mountains | Bradshaw Trail #3

Not What We Expected | San Rafael Swell #1

More Than We Bargained For | Swell #3

Rock Art Overload – Nine Mile Canyon

Rock Art Overload – Nine Mile Canyon

Rock Art Overload – Nine Mile Canyon

Atlantic City to Shoshoni – Through the Wind River Basin | WYBDR 5

Hallowed Ground | M&M #4

They Built a Road to the Sky | Eastern Sierra #3

They Built a Road to the Sky | Eastern Sierra #3

Hot Springs and Homesteads | Hart #3

A Loosely Planned Meetup | Highway Hikes #1

Hardest Hike Ever | Panamint City #1

Hardest Hike Ever | Panamint City #1

More than a Ghost Town | Panamint City #2

Big Mines and Squeeze Slots | Highway Hikes #2

Into the Inyo | Inyo East #1

Tramways and Waterfalls, Cascading Down Canyons | Inyo East #2


After a Day of Fun; Disaster! | Stranded #1

Transformation Panel of the Ochre Alcove | Swell #4

Dirty Devils and Black Dragons | Swell #5

(family photo of downtown Seattle at sunset | no story)

Owyhee’s Best Hike | Out-and-Backs #1

Oh No! Rain! | Out-and-Backs #3

Oh No! Rain! | Out-and-Backs #3

Baggs to Centennial – “Yeah Buddy,” Into the Sierra Madre | WYBDR 1

Centennial to Elk Mtn – Top of the World | WYBDR 2

Centennial to Elk Mtn – Top of the World | WYBDR 2

Centennial to Elk Mtn – Top of the World | WYBDR 2

Hiking Hurricane Ridge | Olympic Peninsula #1

Hiking Hurricane Ridge | Olympic Peninsula #1

Rainforests | Olympic Peninsula #3

Rainforests | Olympic Peninsula #3

Rainforests | Olympic Peninsula #3

They Built a Road to the Sky | Eastern Sierra #3

Big Mines and Squeeze Slots | Highway Hikes #2

Big Mines and Squeeze Slots | Highway Hikes #2

More than a Ghost Town | Panamint City #2

Big Mine, Small Dunes | Inyo East #3


Not enough for you? Check out #favphotos from other years


  1. Lapsley
    Lapsley December 20, 2022

    Very well done, and have enjoyed your blog and photos all this past year, and last year also. You could consider doing a self publication of your works. And yes, I ordered a calendar. Looking forward to next years travels and adventures.

    • turbodb
      turbodb December 20, 2022

      Thanks so much Lapsley! Puts a big smile on my face to hear that you've been enjoying the stories and photos enough to buy a calendar. Hope you enjoy it, and continue to "come along" for the adventures!

  2. Kurt Klimisch
    Kurt Klimisch December 20, 2022

    Stunning. Wish I had the time and motivation to go do this. Great job.

    • turbodb
      turbodb December 20, 2022

      Thanks Kurt, very much appreciate it! ?

  3. Anza4R
    Anza4R December 20, 2022

    Fabulous pictures, as always! I'm absolutely intrigued by that shot looking down into Saline Valley from the station at the top of that long metal ore pipe that dumps into the wooden ore bin at the bottom. We checked that out last month, and man, the whole thing looks super precarious at best. Getting up there to the top for pictures must have been an adventure by itself, that slope looked so sketchy.

  4. Ian Clements
    Ian Clements December 21, 2022

    They say that artistry only comes with repetition . At least Dale Chihuly said that to his son about his photography. That whole thing reminded me that Chihuly has a series of Native American inspired glass pieces that remind me of the Swell. They would look amazing photographed against the beauty of the canyon art.

    I don't know that I could select a favorite from the 2022 Best Of collection. Each offers something different, something special. About the only thing I can share is "great collection".

  5. David Coffey
    David Coffey January 2, 2023

    Nice pics, you have the "eye"... My vote is for Hiking Hurricane Ridge.

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